About me

Hi! I’m Weiqi (Vicky) Wu, a first year graduate student majored in computer science at School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My research interests are about natural language processing and knowledge graph, including knowledge probing, information extraction and KG-based recommendation system. Through all my research projects and participation in workshops, contests and conferences, I have gained invaluable knowledge and committed to continuous exploration in these evolving fields.

[LATEST] My new work about LLM-based interactive drama is accepted at ACL 2024 Findings. See you in Bangkok!



* Denotes Equal Contribution.


  • Weiqi Wu*, Hongqiu Wu*, Lai Jiang, Xingyuan Liu, Jiale Hong, Hai Zhao, Min Zhang, “From Role-Play to Drama-Interaction: An LLM Solution” In the Findings of 62th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024 Findings), Bangkok, Thailand, August 11-16, 2024.